Reading 1820 Blogs Daily!

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December 11, 2024
When you hear PLOP! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Oh boy—this paperwork is going to be the death of me! I spent the entire morning at the computer, and I swear the desktop doesn't look cleaner! Emails and phone calls got done, but I don't think any physical paper disappeared. I'll try again this morning, but I also have a lot of sewing/embroidery to do, and I need to be downstairs! 

But any progress is progress, and we just keep moving forward. I tackled a few more CDs, and the pile is almost gone. What did I find? I found three photos that I ...

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December 10, 2023
A LIGHTBULB moment from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I was in a bit of a huff yesterday, not because anything significant happened. OK -- DH did NOT solve the EXIT Game puzzle before he went to bed. So we attempted it again in the morning, and we were stumped. I had to check the first clue, and OMG. You have to be kidding me. We missed something so blatantly apparent that it put me in a funk for part of the day! 

So last night, when we opened the next room, it was with great trepidation. And we fiddled, and we fiddled, and we chatted about it. And we ...

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October 29, 2023
Big dog, little dog from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I feel even better today! All is good! I think I had two naps yesterday, and I got through the Zooms in the morning with no problem. As a matter of fact, I wasn't watching the time and was ready to go on!

And while I was on Zoom, I had company. The big dog and the tiny dog. These are the clingy dogs. Lexi doesn't do stairs, so she's never in Studio B. 

The big dog and the tiny dog

But the sun was shining when we were done, and those dogs love the sun. Bear ...

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July 7, 2023
Be the CHANGE from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Do you believe in coincidences? I do! You'll never guess what happened? I got up this morning and decided to dig deep through the T-shirt drawer to find something new. What? That RARELY happens as I'm usually recycling through five different ones. 

This is what I discovered. 

My T-shirt today

Then I opened up my e-mail and found a wonderful e-mail from Helen. She sent a link to James Clear's blog, which is amazing. Here's the link. I also snagged one of the quotes because it's so appropriate for what I said in the blog ...

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July 5, 2023
A walk in the dark! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

It was a crazy day yesterday, as I got in touch with everyone I called, so I was on the phone the entire morning! I do NOT take calls on my cell phone any longer. If someone wants to talk to me - you must text me, and then I'll call you on my home phone. I don't trust the quality of my cell service (voice only), and I should request Bell pay me back part of the monthly service fee! However, I made good progress on some things that needed to be addressed. I also wrote a few ...

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March 25, 2023
One day at a time from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Oh boy   -- as much as I try to be accurate, I goofed on those dates of the Virtual Retreat. It's all fixed -- thanks, Mary. And Elle --- just say NO!! I refuse to believe I will get blisters - I'm in denial. However, truth be told, a lot of walking will happen with the heat, and I'm sure I'll get blisters. But they WILL be manageable. As much as I'm embarrassed to say this -- those shoes were too small for my feet. 

Another silly day but I accomplished loads. The four presentations for next week are in ...

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January 7, 2023
The leaning tree is still leaning from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 OH my -- I see you are all putting me to the test with comments! I'll be answering them very soon! 

I found something that might help with the legs of that quilting table, and while the table has adjustable legs, I NEED much more than I can get from those adjustments. More on that another day!

You see, there was a reason that I had to get that Platinum 160 together. I had a visitor yesterday who came to rent the machine. And YES -- it needed to be up! I spent about 15 minutes explaining the machine to her ...

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September 29, 2022
My BLUE shoes from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

We all have them -- those lazy days! I had one yesterday. I had a chat with my boss, then I had an errand, and it was much later than planned by the time I got home. So I wasn't motivated to work on quilts, but I did get one quilted. This is number EIGHT!

Quilt for Quilts of Valour - DONE

That leaves THREE more to do for this grouping of 11 eleven quilts, an incentive set out by the Quilts of Valour group. I got the binding on this one as well. It would appear that I did NOT ...

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September 23, 2022
More of the same! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

OK -- so I've developed a routine, and it's pretty boring! But have you ever noticed how much of your life is routine? And routine is good -- it allows your brain to focus on other things; otherwise, we would be exhausted making decisions all day long! 

Things happened, although it was a "fairly" routine day. The first excitement of the day that resulted in my good deed was when I walked Murphy. I saw a vehicle back out of the driveway (I was practically beside the car, but it was NOT ever a danger to me). But they backed ...

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September 22, 2022
And the clean up continues! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

It happened. I've become obsessed with these darn quilts, and I can't stop working on them. I have a goal, and nothing else will get done until that goal is met. Why couldn't I be like this before and with everything I touched? What makes me very happy is that there is no deadline, no need to get them done, yet I'm motivating myself to keep working at them. I'm afraid of being unmotivated one day because something doesn't have to be done! 

Yeah -- it's all good, and I WILL get caught up ...

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June 12, 2021
Best dressed from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 OH -- Patti sent me the "story" behind the saying, "don't look a gift horse in the mouth" I love it. Here it is in her words if you don't know it. 

In the olden days, when you were buying a horse from someone, you checked the condition of the horse’s teeth and gums – no teeth, not healthy, bad purchase.  However if someone was gifting you a horse, it was considered poor etiquette to check the healthiness of the horse (by looking him in the mouth) prior to accepting the “gift”.

AHA -- that makes perfect sense. Thanks, Patti ...

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January 30, 2021
The old and the new from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!


Wow -- it was like Grand Central Station at my house yesterday. People picked up quilts, pet mats, the cabinet, UPS stopped by to pick up a package, and I had a drop off as well - door to door delivery from a quilt shop! But not by the quilt shop - the package was pony expressed by a friend. It was crazy, and I was hoping that no one picked up the wrong thing. But all is well. 

The little cabinet? It's already has a new home and a new purpose. I love that someone found a use for it right ...

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January 2, 2021
I stand corrected from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Ooops -- I made a mistake! Remember I showed you the label on my orange tray? Well, Colin + Justin are still alive!   I was thinking of Steven and Chris (and it was Chris who died). Oh boy - thank goodness, I have you all to keep me on track! Thanks, Pauline!!!

My orange tray

And I knew Katheleen would not disappoint. I got suggestions on what to do with those transparencies. So I'm keeping them. I knew she would have a purpose. I can sew through them and use them for pockets in journals. How clever!!!

The transparencies are saved

Do ...

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